태양계(Solar System) 기본 정보 및 움짤(GIF)

[ENG] The solar system is a solar system coupled by gravity and is an object that orbits the sun directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the sun directly, the largest are eight planets, and the rest are dwarf planets and small solar system objects. Of the celestial bodies (natural satellites) orbiting the sun indirectly, two are larger than Mercury, the smallest planet.The solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago by the gravitational collapse of a huge interstellar molecular cloud. Most of the mass of the system is in the sun, and most of the rest is in Jupiter. The four small inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are terrestrial planets composed mainly of rocks and metals. The four outer planets are huge planets and are much larger than Earth. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giant planets centered on hydrogen and helium, and the two outermost planets, Cheonwangseong and Neptune, are ice giant planets with relatively high melting points compared to hydrogen and helium called water, ammonia, and methane. All eight planets have roughly circular orbits within a nearly flat disk called the ecliptic. Google Search+、네이버과백식지데온、Weikipedia など.

Planet Radius Mass Distance from Sun (AU) Pre-emptive Period (year) Mercury 0.3820.060.390.24 Venus 0.9490.820.62 Earth 1111 Mars 0.5320.111.521.88 Jupiter 11.2093 Saturn 9.449.549.46 Tenno Stars 4.00714,619,2284,01 Neptune 3.883 17.230,06164.8Earth radius: 6371km Earth mass: 5.972x1024kg1AU=149597871km (average distance between earth and sun)Planetary Basic Information Mercury is 0.4 AU away from the Sun and is the closest planet. It is 0.055 times the mass of Earth and is the smallest planet in the solar system. There are no attached satellites and the atmosphere is very thin, so topography such as impact craters, valleys, and faults are preserved as they are. Considering that there is an extremely weak magnetic field, which accounts for only 1% of the earth’s magnetic field, the nucleus and mantle inside are expected to be solid. Mercury’s orbital eccentricity is 0.21, the largest of all planets in the solar system. The perihelion migration of Mercury orbit cannot be explained by Newton’s classical mechanics and can only be explained by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.Planetary Basic Information Mercury is 0.4 AU away from the Sun and is the closest planet. It is 0.055 times the mass of Earth and is the smallest planet in the solar system. There are no attached satellites and the atmosphere is very thin, so topography such as impact craters, valleys, and faults are preserved as they are. Considering that there is an extremely weak magnetic field, which accounts for only 1% of the earth’s magnetic field, the nucleus and mantle inside are expected to be solid. Mercury’s orbital eccentricity is 0.21, the largest of all planets in the solar system. The perihelion migration of Mercury orbit cannot be explained by Newton’s classical mechanics and can only be explained by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.It is 1AU away from the Earth’s Sun and is the only celestial body that has been proven to exist in space. It is still the only planet with active geological activity. It has one satellite and has the largest mass ratio between the mother planet and the satellite in the solar system. Nitrogen is the most common atmospheric composition ratio, and the oxygen content is 21% thanks to photosynthesis caused by plants.It is 1.5 AU away from the Martian sun and is the fourth closest planet. The mass is 0.107 times that of the earth. It has a thin atmosphere and is mainly composed of carbon dioxide. Mars has two satellites, Deimos and Phobos. the highest volcano in the solar system with traces of geological activity until recently [Olympus Mountain](Olympus Mons) is available. The reason why the surface looks red is because the soil is rich in iron oxide.It is 1.5 AU away from the Martian sun and is the fourth closest planet. The mass is 0.107 times that of the earth. It has a thin atmosphere and is mainly composed of carbon dioxide. Mars has two satellites, Deimos and Phobos. the highest volcano in the solar system with traces of geological activity until recently [Olympus Mountain](Olympus Mons) is available. The reason why the surface looks red is because the soil is rich in iron oxide.It is a Jupiter-shaped planet located 9.5 AU away from Saturn’s Sun and has a rotation period of 10 hours 47 minutes 6 seconds. Saturn’s most distinctive feature is its distinct circle. Its mass is 95 times that of Earth, its density is the lowest in the solar system, and its specific gravity is smaller than water (0.7). Saturn’s surface gravity is similar to Earth’s. Currently, the number of known satellites is 62, of which volcanic activity that spews out ice material is active in Titan and Enceladus. In particular, Titan is the only solar system satellite surrounded by a dense atmosphere.It is 19.2 AU away from Cheonwangseong Sun, the lightest Jupiter-shaped planet and 14 times the mass of Earth. The axis of rotation of Cheonwangseong revolves with 97.9° tilted relative to the ecliptic plane. The central nucleus of Cheonwangseong is very cold compared to other Jupiter-shaped planets and has less heat to emit. The rings of Tenno were discovered second in the solar system and second only after Saturn. Cheonwangseong was discovered by William Herschel in March 1781, and was the first planet discovered by an astronomical telescope. In addition to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, it is a meaningful planet that humans discovered as tools (telegraphs) for the first time and expanded the horizon of the solar system.It is 19.2 AU away from Cheonwangseong Sun, the lightest Jupiter-shaped planet and 14 times the mass of Earth. The axis of rotation of Cheonwangseong revolves with 97.9° tilted relative to the ecliptic plane. The central nucleus of Cheonwangseong is very cold compared to other Jupiter-shaped planets and has less heat to emit. The rings of Tenno were discovered second in the solar system and second only after Saturn. Cheonwangseong was discovered by William Herschel in March 1781, and was the first planet discovered by an astronomical telescope. In addition to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, it is a meaningful planet that humans discovered as tools (telegraphs) for the first time and expanded the horizon of the solar system.It is the outermost planet in the solar system, 30 AU from Neptune Sun. The mass is 17 times that of the earth. Of Neptune’s satellites, Triton is the only solar system satellite to orbit its mother planet in the opposite direction. Cheonwangseong and Neptune are Jupiter-shaped planets, but the gas component is only about 10% of the total mass, so the proportion of ice material is high. Most of the mass is made up of ice composed of methine, water, and ammonia. Neptune is the only planet in the solar system found by predicting its orbit in mathematical calculations. Alexis Bouvard predicted in advance the existence of a planet that causes perturbation in the orbit of Cheonwangseong, and Urban Jean Joseph Le Verrier calculated it. Finally, in 1846, Johann Gottfried Galle succeeded in discovering Neptune. In 1989, Voyager 2 discovered the Great Dark Spot on Neptune, similar to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. However, it is predicted that the black spot will not be able to maintain a stable structure for hundreds of years like the red spot.Moving Image (GIF)Moving Image (GIF)Moving Image (GIF)Moving Image (GIF)Moving Image (GIF)https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZsqzS311sdo

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